
Friday, February 02, 2018

Custodes - Time to choose!

(or what is wrong with a "rainbow" army?)

Now it comes down to a moment of decision.
Which of the schemes do I commit to, and more importantly, which will look good on each style of Custodes figure?

For those who care, here are the paint combos for the schemes.

Note - none of the gold (or white for that matter) has had a wash put over it as it will in the final version. 
The white is just the base Armory white primer
The gold is Army Painter Greedy Gold (2-3 coats as mine goes on fairly thin)

Left to right

  1. Armory White
  2. Folk Art Antique Copper, Army Painter Blue Tone wash (2 coats)
  3. Folk Art Antique Copper, Army Painter Green Tone wash (2 coats)
  4. Folk Art Antique Copper - no wash
  5. Folk Art Antique Copper, Army Painter Red Tone wash (2 coats)

As cell phone pictures and LED lighting rarely do the colors justice, here are the four AP Tone colors in another image:

This image shows a bit more of the color variation, but the order of the paint schemes is Blue, Green, Red, NoWash.  (couldn't keep them in the same order, could I??)

Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments below!

(I'll be honest, I am REALLY leaning towards trying a few of these on the full miniature just to see how the washes work out in an overall scheme.)

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