(or Why do they call it a Swag Bag instead of a Swag Suitcase??)
One of these years I'll just have to bring an extra suitcase for all of the swag at Adepticon! At least each year I manage to offload a lot of it on my good friend and chauffeur,
+Christopher Bergeron .
It has become a bit of a tradition that I had him the "Bergeron Box" at the end of the trip, hopefully giving him some miniatures ripe for conversion, and the odd boxed game or two to play or scavenge minis from. (The Dark Age boxed set looked great to scavenge from!)

Since he's fully into 30k Heresy now, and has turned his back on the 40k range, I was able to keep the Primaris Sergeant for myself - to go into the batch of un-built Primaris Marines staring at me from the Closet of Doom! We'll have to see what GW brings for an event exclusive miniature next year - and you can bet I'll be signing up quick for the VIG Swag bag again. I was excited to get the
Victoria Miniatures Svargan figure as well - even though I don't have an Imperial Guard army to match her. (and no, I'm not starting one!)

My weakness this Adepticon was MDF terrain. I didn't buy a whole lot, as I've never built it myself - and had to rely on Chris' expertise to show me what I didn't know. So, I dabbled a little by picking up some crates from
Laser Craft Workshop which I manage to build and paint fairly quickly. Also on the MDF line was a Turn/CP/VP counter from
MiniDuels, that will help keep the records straight without our bizarre combo of paper, pencils and dice markers! A quick hit of Rust-Oleum 2X Gray Primer and the turn counter looked good enough for the table. (Simply because I have a lot more miniatures and vehicles that I should be spending my painting time on!)
The crates turned out pretty nice with a basecoat of Rust-Oleum Green Primer, which should set them up for a bit of a detail wash and some chipping marks. I'm not going to spend a great deal of time on these, as they're more of a learning project, so I get my skills in order to not screw up the fancier and more expensive terrain pieces!
Anyway, enough blogging for now - time to get back to painting!
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